Flexrail2™ Compact Fluorescent Fixture

Constructed of extruded aluminum with a fully enclosed backing to prevent light leaks, large scale Flexrail2 CFL Luminaires are designed with an adjustable yoke and hub mounting system, lockable aiming knobs and vertical louvers to minimize glare. Energy efficient solutions for high performance commercial spaces.

Fully enclosed backing prevents light leaks, concealed wiring provides a clean appearance

Built in yoke and hub mounting system

Two lockable aiming knobs

Includes vertical louver for glare control

Longer models have two mounting points for superior balance

Ideal for retail, commercial and presentation applications where high foot candle levels and crisp white light are preferred

Integral electronic ballast


Model Wattage Finish


2 X 40 W

DB - Dark Bronze

PT - Platinum

Lamp: 120V, Twin Tubem 4-pin 2G11, order separately

Specification Sheet

IES Files - right click > "Save target as" to download

Instruction Sheet

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